Project designation

SPARK - Siscog Prospecting new mARKets

Project code: LISBOA-02-0752-FEDER-071247

Main goal: Reinforce competitiveness of small and medium enterprises

Region of intervention: Lisboa

Beneficiary entity: SISCOG - Sistemas Cognitivos, SA


Approval date:     28-04-2021

Starting date:       26-04-2021

Completion date: 30-06-2023

Total eligible cost: 539.053,14 Euros

European Union financial support: 215.621,26 Euros, through the European Regional Development Fund


Goals, activities and expected results: SISCOG has been dedicated to the development of systems for the optimized planning and management of resources for the passenger transport sector at an international level. Currently, in addition to Portugal, it has clients in 7 countries, in 2 continents. Almost 100% of the turnover comes from software exports totally "made in Portugal".

The objectives of this project are:

  • strengthen international turnover,
  • by attracting new clients and
  • diversifying current markets, and
  • launching a new area related to Data Science and Machine Learning.


Project Sheet


Project designation 

AI4RealAg – Artificial Intelligence and Data Science solutions for the implementation and democratization of digital agriculture

Project code: LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-069670, POCI-01-0247-FEDER-069670

Main goal: Reinforce research, technological development and innovation

Region of intervention: Lisboa, Center, Alentejo

Beneficiary entity: 

SISCOG - Sistemas Cognitivos, S.A.

Beyond Vision - Sistemas Móveis Autónomos de Realidade Aumentada, Lda

Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, I.P.


Approval date:     24-05-2021

Starting date:       01-09-2020

Completion date: 30-06-2023

Total eligible cost:  2.661.843,68 Euros

European Union financial support: 1.562.945,17, through the European Regional Development Fund


Goals, activities and expected results: 

AI4RealAg is a research project, developed by the consortium composed of SISCOG, INIAV and BEYOND VISION, that aims to increase agricultural production and quality, ensuring a positive impact on agricultural and environmental sustainability.

The project aims to:

  • Develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science models that, through the analysis of large volumes of data, enable to uncover hidden knowledge from data, such as patterns, trends and correlations, which support smarter decision-making, as well as preparation of forecasts;
  • Develop a combined remote multispectral, thermal, 4K 360º and LiDAR sensing, through the exploration of increasingly larger drone payloads, in order to increase the quality of the data that feed AI ​​and Data Science models, consequently, improving the quality of results produced by them.

The project addresses six topics:

  • Characterization of the phenological states of cultures;
  • Determination of cultural coefficients;
  • Estimation of the intensity of water stress;
  • Diagnosis of nutritional status;
  • Health diagnosis for early detection of diseases; and
  • Development of an advanced phenotyping platform.

It will be tested and validated in three agricultural sectors:

  • Vineyard
  • Olive groves
  • Fruit trees orchards


Project Sheet