EVENT 12-10-2023
Sharing optimisation techniques with Statistics and Operational Research students
Sharing optimisation techniques with Statistics and Operational Research students
Tomorrow, October 13th, we will be sharing our optimisation techniques with students pursuing a Master´s degree in Statistics and Operational Research (OR) from the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL).
At this year’s Seminar, our expert in OR and school alumna, Ana Wemans, will deliver a presentation on the optimisation of staff rosters based on their preferences.
At this year’s Seminar, our expert in OR and school alumna, Ana Wemans, will deliver a presentation on the optimisation of staff rosters based on their preferences.
This manner of designing work rosters is one way to attract and retain staff, a pressing matter nowadays faced by the public transport sector.
One effective approach to address this challenge is by giving staff the opportunity to enhance their work-life balance. This can be achieved by allowing employees to communicate their preferences regarding working hours, days off, and other factors. Operators can then use algorithmic support to generate rosters that cover all work requirements while satisfying individual preferences as much as possible, ensuring fairness and optimisation in the process.