Scientific paper at Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

EVENT 14-06-2024
Scientific paper at Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024
Scientific paper at Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024
Taking place in Seattle from Jun 17-21, the event will explore the latest developments in computer vision, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), augmented, virtual and mixed reality (AR/VR/MR), deep learning, and related areas from academic, applied, and business R&D perspectives.
Scientific paper at Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024


SISCOG will present "Tracking and Counting Apples in Orchards Under Intermittent Occlusions and Low Frame Rates" on June 18th at the “Vision for Agriculture Workshop”, which is part of the conference.

This paper is co-authored by Gonçalo P. Matos, Ricardo L. Saldanha and Ernesto Morgado from SISCOG, and by Carlos Santiago, and João Costeira from Instituto Superior Técnico.

It focuses on estimating fruit yield in orchards, a critical factor for farmers to better plan resources for harvesting, storing, and commercialising crops. Additionally, accurate yield estimates assist in making agricultural decisions, such as pruning, which can enhance crop quality and increase profits. Existing methods for estimating fruit yield by direct counting usually assume ideal conditions and may fail under more challenging scenarios with unconstrained camera motion and intermittent occlusions of fruits. The paper shows a combination of techniques that have the potential to address those challenges.